Marzano "Macmod"


The Dangers of Exposed Azure Blobs

Introduction Being one of the most widely used storage services on the web - probably only falling behind to AWS’s...

Mining Takeovers for Fun and Profit

Introduction This article describes an experiment aimed at finding domains likely vulnerable to DNS takeover, a well-known technique that can...


InCTF 2019 - s3cur3-r3v

Description Hello, can you reverse this object code for me ??? I would be thankfull to you. challenge.html Solution After...


HackIT CTF 2018 - PyCry Writeup

This challenge was a teamwork challenge. First, @diofeher discovered that we could run python on the server by sending code...

Tokyo Westerns CTF - Revolutional Secure Angou Writeup

In this challenge we are given an encrypted file, flag.encrypted, a public key publickey.pem, and a prime generator generator.rb. flag.encrypted...