Introduction This weekend we played NahamCon CTF 2020 and I decided to log this post-mortem solution that could help future...
Hi everyone! C: This is a crypto challenge that I enjoyed a lot and I wanted to make my first...
Description Why so small? nc aes.sunshinectf.org 4200 Author: ps_iclimbthings Write-up Short write-up here. The server asked for a word to...
Description Please enjoy the classical lfsr. zer0lfsr.tar.gz Attachment content chall.py keystream chall.py script from secret import init1,init2,init3,FLAG import hashlib assert(FLAG=="flag{"+hashlib.sha256(init1+init2+init3).hexdigest()+"}")...
These were the steps to resolve Pwn2Win 2018’s GCM challenge, a challenge about a critical vulnerability in Python’s cryptography package....
In this challenge we are given an encrypted file, flag.encrypted, a public key publickey.pem, and a prime generator generator.rb. flag.encrypted...
This Message just might make you crazy. Lets take a stroll through the cipher history time line New ZIP -------...